SatMap API

The SatMap Application Programming Interface (API) has been created to let users and partners interact programmatically with SatMap software.
The API is available to everyone free of charge.


Version 1.2

Click here to download a 7-zip file containing the smAPI dll + example code + CHM help file (121 KB)
The download contains example programs for Delphi, Visual Basic (thanks to burekbrigada). All of examples do not cover the full API and were written for my own testing but they should give a good indication on how to use the API.

Click here to download a 7-zip file containing the smAPI.dll only (97 KB)
Warning: v2.8.4 (or later if available) of SatMap is required, this smAPI will not work fully with any earlier version.

On-line documentation

The SatMap API documentation